Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Two Arabian Knights (1927)

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    D: Lewis Milestone
    William Boyd, Louis Wolheim, Mary Astor,
    Ian Keith, Michael Vavitch, Boris Karloff
Years before he hitched his screen identity to Hopalong Cassidy, William Boyd had a significant career in silent films as a leading man. In this comic adventure, Boyd and Louis Wolheim play doughboys who get captured in France, escape from a German POW camp, and end up on a train bound for Constantinople and a ship on its way to the Middle East. They save an Arab princess from drowning, and Boyd and the princess hit it off, and then they're in Arabia, where she's supposed to marry somebody else, and you can guess how it'll all turn out, but getting there is fun. You know how some movies are based on real events? I'm pretty sure this is not one of them. Mary Astor plays the princess, and spends most of her screen time behind a veil. Karloff appears for a moment or two as the ship's purser.