Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Sisters (1973)

SISTERS  (1973)  
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    Brian De Palma
    Margot Kidder, Jennifer Salt, Charles Durning,
    William Finley, Mary Davenport, Barnard Hughes
A twisted thriller starring Margot Kidder as separated Siamese twins, one of whom appears to be a murderer. One way to watch this is to see how many Hitchcock references you can identify. The movie's loaded with them. De Palma's approach is bloodier than Hitchcock's, and his technique is a bit more obvious, but he's just as playful and perverse. William Finley plays Margot's estranged husband with menacing, bug-eyed creepiness, and the future Lois Lane tests her range with a little-girl voice and a foot-to-the-floor French accent. Bernard Herrmann did the music.

Margot Kidder