Sunday, September 15, 2024

Full Time (2021)

FULL TIME  (2021)  ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢
    D: Eric Gravel
    Laure Calamy, Anne Suarez, Geneviève Mnich,
    Nolan Arizmendi, Sasha Lemaitre Cremaschi,
    Cyril Gueï, Lucie Gallo Agathe Dronne
This movie has drawn comparisons to Tom Tykwer's "Run Lola Run", and while the narrative operates on a slightly different track, it moves just about as fast. It's about a Paris hotel maid frantically trying to juggle her job, her kids, her commute and a crucial upcoming interview, all of it complicated by an ex who's late with the alimony payment and a crippling transit strike. For the length of the movie and the four or five days over which the story plays out, she barely has time to breathe. Laure Calamy plays the frazzled heroine, struggling to hold it together in the face of what appears to be never-ending chaos. It's a terrific performance as the kind of person you see all the time and never really notice, suggesting that just getting by from one day to the next, when the fates are lined up against you, can be an act of extraordinary courage.