Tuesday, September 17, 2024

France (2021)

FRANCE  (2021)  ¢ ¢ 1/2
    D: Bruno Dumont
    Léa Seydoux, Benjamin Biolay, Emanuele Arioli, 
    Jawad Zemmar, Noura Benbahlouli, Blanche Gardin
A high-end, high-maintenance television journalist starts to unravel big-time when she injures a kid in a traffic accident on a Paris Street. The movie's kind of strung-out, too, and at 2 hours and 13 minutes, it feels a little long. But it looks real nice, and Léa Seydoux has some arresting closeups that seem to go on forever and then some, usually with the actress looking straight into the camera. It's all kind of outlandish - the journalist and her family live in an apartment the size of the Louvre - but as satire it's not half as funny as it thinks it is, and as melodrama it's not that involving. Most of us will never know, of course, but apparently it's not always enough to be beautiful, famous and rich.