Thursday, August 21, 2014

Sick Girl (2006)

SICK GIRL  (2006)  
¢ ¢ 1/2
    D: Lucky McKee
    Erin Brown, Angela Bettis,
    Jesse Hlubik, Marcia Bennett
A woman who's way too fond of bugs gets an unusual specimen in a package from Brazil. She adds it to the insect zoo she keeps in her apartment, and when her new girlfriend moves in, too, and the new bug goes missing, things get icky. An innocuous entry in the "Masters of Horror" television series, played mostly for laughs. Erin Brown, whose claim to screen immortality probably rides on her work as Misty Mundae, the queen of Seduction Cinema's straight-to-video nudie flicks, plays the girlfriend. She still can't act - that's part of her charm - but she does get topless for a moment or two. It's not hard to imagine what Seduction Cinema would do with something like this.