Friday, August 1, 2014

Greaser's Palace (1972)

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    D: Robert Downey
    Alan Arbus, Luana Anders, Albert Henderson,
    Michael Sullivan, George Morgan, Toni Basil
A Messiah in a zoot suit, white gloves and a wide-brimmed pink hat turns up in the Old West. Which is about the most logical thing that happens in this film. Dr. Sidney Friedman plays the Messiah. Robert Downey Jr. makes his first screen appearance as a little kid. Luana Anders is in it, and you can't go wrong there. It's all supposed to symbolize something, or maybe not, it's hard to say, but the camerawork is good, and Toni Basil appears briefly as a topless Indian girl. How many kilos of weed were consumed during production is something that can only be guessed at.