Saturday, February 11, 2023

Lycanthropus (1961)

LYCANTHROPUS  (1961)  ¢ ¢
    D: Paolo Hausch
    Barbara Lass, Carl Schell, Curt Lowens
    Maurice Marsac, Grace Neame, Luciano Pigozzi,
    Annie Steinert, Mary McNeeran, Michela Roc
The U.S. title for this is "Werewolf In a Girls' Dormitory", and while it has both a werewolf and a girls' dormitory, you never actually see the werewolf in the dormitory, which is kind of too bad, because that's a pretty good title. Also, there's a little too much talk and not quite enough werewolf, though some of the camerawork's not bad. Luciano Pigozzi, who plays the devious caretaker, looks like he's maybe watched too many Peter Lorre movies. Or not enough.