Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Hot Saturday (1932)

HOT SATURDAY  (1932)  ¢ ¢ 1/2
    D: William A. Seiter
    Cary Grant, Nancy Carroll, Randolph Scott,
    Edward Woods Lillian Bond, Jane Darwell,
    William Collier Sr., Grady Sutton, Rita La Roy
Wild times, bootleg booze and reckless romance among the younger set, starring Nancy Carroll as a bank clerk attracted to both a wealthy cad played by Cary Grant and a straight arrow played by Randolph Scott. There's a cavalier cynicism to Grant's performance that would surface only occasionally during his career. He was 28 and outwardly relaxed and impossibly handsome, but his screen persona was still a work in progress. He was still playing whatever the studio gave him to do, still learning how to be Cary Grant. He and Scott were longtime pals and sometime housemates who met while making this film.