Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Tag (2015)

TAG  (2015)  ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢
    D: Sion Sono
    Reina Triendi, Mariko Shinoda, Erina Mano,
    Yuki Sakurai, Aki Hiraoka, Ami Tomite
Two buses filled with schoolgirls are motoring down the highway when a strange wind comes up and slices the vehicles in half, along with their no-longer-giggling passengers. Only one girl survives - she's a poet who was on the floor retrieving a pen when the carnage occurred - but is she really better off than her dead classmates? She appears to be trapped in an ever-shifting nightmare that turns out not to be a dream, but something potentially more frightening. It's 85 minutes of kinetic, fast-moving horror with blood-spurting special effects. When the teachers, armed with heavy-duty machine guns, start slaughtering their own students, you know all bets are off.