Sunday, August 11, 2024

Evils of the Night (1985)

EVILS OF THE NIGHT  (1985)  ¢ 1/2
    D: Mardi Rustam
    John Carradine, Neville Brand, Aldo Ray, 
    Tina Louise, Julie Newmar, Karrie Emerson,
    Bridget Holloman, David Hawk, G.T. Taylor
Aliens touch down in a small college town, looking for healthy humans between the ages of 16 and 24, hoping to drain their blood. It's summer break - the aliens didn't consider that - but there are still plenty of potential donors making out down at the beach, if John Carradine, Tina Louise and Julie Newmar can just get them into the world's sketchiest-looking hospital. Primally awful T&A sci-fi (more T than A), with aging B-list actors going through the motions, presumably for beer money. Director Mardi Rustam claims the movie that inspired him to make this was "The Day the Earth Stood Still". Yeah, sure, whatever.