Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Out of Print (2014)

OUT OF PRINT  (2014)  ¢ ¢ ¢
    D: Julia Marchese
For most of this documentary, you're listening to a bunch of filmmakers and movie geeks talk about how much they love the New Beverly, a landmark repertory cinema in Los Angeles. The rest is an argument for film preservation, specifically a pitch to the industry powers that be to maintain their libraries of 35mm prints and keep them in circulation. That might be a lost cause in the digital age, but it's a worthwhile one, and it's got some passionate advocates. There are a few movie houses scattered around that are still doing what the New Beverly does, and if you happen to live near one, you're lucky. Joe Dante, Kevin Smith, Edgar Wright, Seth Green and Clu Gulager (who had his own personal seat at the New Beverly) are among the witnesses.