Friday, February 17, 2023

Tabloid (2010)

TABLOID  (2010)  ¢ 1/2
    D: Errol Morris
Toward the end of this documentary, a tabloid journalist sizes up Joyce McKinney this way: "She's not an evil person. I mean, she's just a bit crazy, eccentric, self-obsessed and self-involved and manipulative and barking mad." Which she certainly is. Unfortunately, she's also one of the most boring human beings ever to tell her story on film. The story involves beauty pageants, bondage photos, stalking, kidnapping, obsession, a pit bull named Booger and Booger's cloned offspring. McKinney herself makes an unconvincing witness, a compulsively superficial drama queen who's clever enough to think she can play the tabloids, but overmatched when the tabloids dig up stories she doesn't want to share. After two minutes, you're tired of listening to her talk. After four minutes, you wish Morris had made his movie about somebody - anybody - else.