SAUSAGE PARTY (2016) ¢ ¢ ¢
D: Greg Tiernan, Conrad Vernon
This is the kind of animated movie a bunch of drunk, stoned, brain-damaged frat boys might've dreamed up between tequila shots and bong hits. It's about what happens when the products in a supermarket - hot dogs, buns, jars of mustard, potatoes, bagels and everything else - learn that the giant creatures taking them out of the store aren't gods, and their destination is not the promised land but the food equivalent of hell. It's as funny as it is gross, and it's plenty gross: political and cultural incorrectness trashing its way to a satirical point. So the potatoes are Irish (naturally), and Salma Hayek does the voice of a lesbian taco, and a Jewish bagel and some Arab flatbread feud over shelf space, and a bun and a hot dog trade sexually unambiguous notions about what they'd like to do when they finally get together, and it ends with a food orgy that rivals anything on "South Park". I had no interest in watching this till a friend recommended it, and darned if I didn't find myself laughing. Out loud. A lot. An unexpected guilty pleasure.