POPE JOAN (1972) ¢ ¢
D: Michael Anderson
Liv Ullmann, Maximillian Schell, Franco Nero,
Olivia de Havilland, Trevor Howard, Patrick Magee,
André Morell, Jeremy Kemp, Lesley-Anne Down
In the middle of the 9th century, a studious young monk - actually a devout young woman disguised as a monk - ascends to the rank of cardinal, and on the death of the pope, assumes the throne of St. Peter. Most modern historians discount Pope Joan's brief reign as a myth, but the historical record from the Dark Ages is murky, and the story persisted for centuries. Liv Ullmann plays Joan in the film, and as hard as she tries, it's difficult to believe she could pass as a man, even a very young one. More than that, her character looks lost. The movie feels kind of static, too, though Trevor Howard as the old pope and Maximillian Schell as an artist priest both breathe some life into it. The ending, in which Joan gives birth in the street and the mob tears her to pieces, is just one speculation on what might've happened to the possibly fictitious Pope Joan.