Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse (2018)
(2018) ¢ ¢ ¢
D: Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, Rodney Rothman
An animated superhero movie from Marvel, in which multiple universes crash into each other, resulting in multiple versions of Spider-Man. One of them's an anime girl. One's a pig. One's a film-noir character in a trench coat, shades and a fedora. One's a quick-witted high-school girl. One's a middle-aged Peter Parker, who's put away a few hamburgers and put on a few pounds. One's a young black kid named Miles, wh0's new to the superhero game. The message is that anybody can be Spider-Man, which is a nice thought, but conveniently ignores the fact that if anybody could be Spider-Man, Marvel would be out of business. Liev Schreiber, Mahershala Ali and Lily Tomlin do some of the voices, and there's a final, farewell cameo by the late Stan Lee.