Friday, November 29, 2019

Dead Pigs (2018)

DEAD PIGS  (2018)  
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    D: Cathy Yan
    Vivian Wu, Haoyu Yang, Meng Li,
    Mason Lee, David Rysdahl
Maybe this is what life is like in 21st-century China, at least for those who end up fighting to survive and stay human in a mercenary, rat-race economy. The characters include a pig farmer who's lost all his money in a crooked investment scheme, his sister, a beautician who refuses to sell their family home to a developer, the development company's young American architect, the pig farmer's son, the developer's daughter, a flock of pigeons and a lot of dead pigs. Nobody seems very happy here, though an absurd musical production number at the end allows them to briefly act that way. The pigeons come out of it all right, I guess. At least they've got a chance to. Not so much the pigs.