Tuesday, October 15, 2019
An American Haunting (2005)
D: Courtney Solomon
Donald Sutherland, Sissy Spacek, James D'Arcy,
Rachel Hurd-Wood, Thom Fell, Matthew Marsh
A spirit invades the home of a colonial family following a land dispute with a vengeful neighbor. Is it witchcraft? The devil? A ghost? Or the troubled dreams of a hysterical 12-year-old girl? This has beautiful Romanian locations and effective, eye-catching cinematography, but the story doesn't quite add up. The suspected source of the horror for much of the movie turns out to be a red herring, and the resolution that follows doesn't connect entirely with what's come before. It's unsettling at times, but there's no real compelling or pervasive sense of dread. Spacek and Sutherland give it some class.