Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Frankenstein Island (1981)
D: Jerry Warren
Robert Clarke, Steve Brodie, Cameron Mitchell,
Robert Christopher, John Carradine, Andrew Duggan,
Katherine Victor, George Mitchell, Dana Norbeck
Four balloonists wash up on a remote island whose inhabitants include two idiot sailors, a zombie security force, some alien women in animal-skin bikinis, and a disembodied John Carradine. (The Frankenstein Monster makes a lumbering appearance toward the end, but he's an afterthought.) Numbingly stupid, thrift-shop horror, in which the balloonists, faced with a choice between going off with the idiot sailors or hanging around with the alien women, decide to go with the idiots. After a bonehead move like that, they deserve whatever happens to them, including being stuck in this movie.