Monday, May 20, 2019

The Yesterday Machine (1965)

¢ 1/2
    D: Russ Marker
    Tim Holt, James Britton, Jack Herman,
    Ann Pellegrino, Linda Jenkins, Robert Kelly
This starts out on an empty country road, where a drum majorette is dancing and twirling a baton. This is before the credits even roll, and it's arguably the high point of the film, which goes on for another 70-odd minutes to tell a time-travel story about a crazy German scientist whose goal is to bring the Führer back to life. It'd make a decent "Twilight Zone" episode, if it had a more economical running time and Rod Serling tapping on the typewriter keys. It even has a good "Twilight Zone" title. But it drags on way too long, the pace is way too slow, and when the professor launches into a marathon lecture expounding on his theory of time, it pretty much grinds to a halt. Nice baton-twirling, though.