Tuesday, November 6, 2018
The Grandad (2014)
THE GRANDAD (2014) ¢ ¢ 1/2
D: Bjarni Thorsson
Sigurdur Sigurjónsson, Sigrún Edda Björnsdóttir,
Steinbór Hróar Steinbórsson, Tinna Sverrisdóttir
An Icelandic comedy about a civil engineer whose spiral into a late midlife crisis begins when his boss tells him he's being downsized to half-time. Besides which, he has prostate issues, his marriage has grown stale, his pregnant daughter's getting married to a guy he can't stand, and his golf game could use a little help. If a vehicle passes by in the background, more than likely it's a hearse. Sometimes this is deadpan funny. Sometimes it takes a silly joke and stretches it a little too thin. Sigurdur Sigurjónsson plays it all with a straight-faced fatalism that both expects very little and still somehow hopes for the best. Mostly it's a movie about waiting, not that everything comes to those who wait, but that something's got to, eventually.