Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Logan (2017)

LOGAN  (2017)  
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    D: James Mangold
    Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Dafne Keen,
    Boyd Holbrook, Stephen Merchant, Richard E. Grant
This is what it looks like when you're a superhero growing old, when you start needing glasses to read the label on a pill bottle and you walk with a limp and you can't hide the scars anymore. When you can still sometimes stomp the bad guys, but sometimes, now, they stomp you. When you start to realize that time, after all, is limited and you feel mortality closing in. The superhero in question is Wolverine (Hugh Jackman), and you can bet he's not going down without a fight. And since this battle's R-rated, it's going to be a bloody one. (The language is R-rated, too.) The story's like where a Marvel comic meets "Midnight Special", with Logan/Wolverine and old Professor Xavier (Patrick Stewart) on the run with a girl who has certain unique gifts not unlike Wolverine's. It would seem to be the last X-Men adventure for Jackman and Stewart, and a potential opening for a whole new series, with the girl (Dafne Keen) and a band of youthful colleagues very much in play. For Jackman as Wolverine, it's a high note to go out on. Every aging superhero should be so lucky.