Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Call Her Savage (1932)

¢ ¢ ¢ 1/2
    D: John Francis Dillon
    Clara Bow, Gilbert Roland, Thelma Todd,
    Monroe Owsley, Estelle Taylor, Russell Simpson

Spoiler Alert: This review contains spoilers, but they won't spoil much.

In her next-to-last movie, Clara Bow plays a wild thing who whips a rattlesnake and then whips Gilbert Roland and then smashes a guitar over a musician's head and then wrestles an enormous dog and gets into a catfight. Then she marries a guy who's rich but no good and he gets drunk and cheats on her on their wedding night and she has a baby and does some hooking and the baby dies and then she falls for another rich guy, but that doesn't work out, either, and eventually she's back in Texas where her mom's about to croak, and that's when she learns her real dad was an Indian, which means she's a half-breed just like Gilbert Roland, which she figures explains her wildness, and at the fadeout it looks like she and Gilbert Roland are going to live happily ever after, or at least till she loses her temper and does something crazy again, which she probably will. The End.