Friday, November 24, 2017

The Vagabond Lover (1929)

¢ ¢ 1/2
    D: Marshall Neilan
    Rudy Vallee, Sally Blaine, Marie Dressler,
    Charles Sellon, Nella Walker, Danny O'Shea
A musical from the early sound era, made to cash in on the popularity of radio crooner Rudy Vallee, about a group of young musicians who crash a high-society benefit by posing as a famous jazz band. Vallee's facility with dialogue would get sharper as time went on. Starting with his performance in this film, it had to. He does better at singing, of course, and Sally Blaine in the female lead could melt a few hearts, but it's Marie Dressler as a dithering matron who chews up the soundstage and steals the show. The movie's slight, but fun.