Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Religulous (2008)
RELIGULOUS (2008) ¢ ¢ 1/2
D: Larry Charles
Bill Maher's caustic documentary on organized religion plays like a stand-up routine expanded to include a wide range of zealots - Muslim, Christian and Jewish - whose inflexible declarations of belief make them a perfect foil for the comic's barbed skepticism. It's mostly a series of cheap shots at easy targets, not that most of the targets aren't asking for it. What's harder to find is any sense that there could be more to religion than blind faith, that not all believers are dogmatic fundamentalists, and that a lot of them probably have doubts and questions not much different from Maher's, but going there would require a level of intellectual engagement that Maher doesn't seem interested in. He'd rather take on the cuckoos and crackpots, and while the result is a relatively funny movie, it's not an especially enlightening one.