Wednesday, August 30, 2017

13 Minutes (2015)

13 MINUTES  (2015)  
¢ ¢ ¢ 1/2
    D: Oliver Hirschbiegel
    Christian Friedel, Katharina Schüttler, 
    Burghart Klaussner, Johann von Bülow, 
    David Zimmershied, Felix Eitner

Dr. Sporgersi,

I saw a good German movie last week. "13 Minutes", a true story about a guy named Georg Elser, who back in 1939 planted a homemade bomb in a building where Hitler was scheduled to give a speech. The bomb blew up the building, but missed killing Hitler by 13 minutes. A lot of the story is told in flashbacks while the bomber's being tortured and interrogated. To say that some of it's unpleasant and disturbing would be an understatement, but when everything goes to the dark side, this is what you get. It's a movie that could complicate your thinking about terrorism. To watch it in the wake of the neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville was sobering.
