Friday, March 17, 2017

Folies Bergère de Paris (1935)

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    D: Roy Del Ruth
    Maurice Chevalier, Merle Oberon, Ann Sothern,
    Eric Blore, Walter Byron, Lumsden Hare
Maurice Chevalier, who was a headliner at the Folies Bergère, plays a headliner at the Folies Bergère, hired for a night to impersonate a wealthy count, also played by Maurice Chevalier. This leads to multiple cases of mistaken identity involving the count, his double, the count's wife (Merle Oberon) and the double's flame at the Folies (Ann Sothern). Chevalier was nearing the end of his first stint in Hollywood then. He'd work mostly in Europe for the next 20 years. When he returned in the late 1950s, in movies like "Gigi" and "Love In the Afternoon", he was older, but still jaunty, still grinning, and still thanking heaven for little girls.