DOCTOR STRANGE (2016) ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢
D: Scott Derrickson
Benedict Cumberbatch, Chiwetel Ejiofor,
Rachel McAdams, Tilda Swinton, Mads Mikkelson,
Benedict Wong, Michael Stuhlbarg, Benjamin Bratt
Dr. Sporgersi,
I saw "Doctor Strange" last week at the local bargain house, and it was definitely worth the four bucks. It's about this arrogant doctor, a brilliant neurosurgeon, who gets his hands mangled in a car wreck and ends up in Katmandu, seeking to repair the damage. What he finds there is nothing he ever expected. My interest in superhero action movies is limited, but this one's better than most, with lots of mystical stuff going on and effects that are like "Inception" combined with an Escher drawing come to reality-shattering life. Plus Benedict Cumberbatch as the good doctor and Tilda Swinton with a shaved head playing his guru. A coda at the end has Doctor Strange and Thor in a face-to-face chat, casually mapping out a sequel. You'd like to think it won't come to that, but considering what a franchise machine Marvel has become, you know it will. Doctor Strange is one superhero who needs to be off in his own multidimensional universe, having his own astral-plane adventures. The moment he links up with Iron Man or Spider-Man or Captain America, he'll be diminished.