I live in Seattle now, but I grew up in Madison, Wisconsin. I'm a moviegoer, a guy down in the seats, waiting for the lights to go down and hoping to be entertained. I don't know much about the technical aspects of film. I like Clint Eastwood, Buster Keaton and Boris Karloff. Jodie Foster, Audrey Hepburn and Louise Brooks. Jim Jarmusch and Sam Peckinpah. Jason Bourne. Betty Boop. Jay & Silent Bob. A friend once told me I'd watch anything, as long as it was flashed on a screen at 24 frames per second. She was probably right. I love movies and I love writing about them. That's it. This blog is just for fun.
RECREATION (1914) ¢ ¢ D: Charles Chaplin Charles Chaplin, Charles Bennett, Helen Carruthers Charlie Chaplin, a girl, a park bench, a sailor on shore leave and a brick-throwing contest.