Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Age of Adaline (2015)

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    D: Lee Toland Krieger
    Blake Lively, Michiel Huisman, Harrison Ford,
    Ellen Burstyn, Kathy Baker, Amanda Crew
A woman born in 1908 survives a car wreck in 1937, and from that point on stops aging. That has consequences, setting up a fantasy romance that could make you wonder how you'd deal with an imaginary situation in which everybody around you grows older and you don't. Like, what if that caused you to bail on a dashing young med student who 40 years later would be Harrison Ford? Bummer, huh? Now suppose your current boyfriend turns out to be the old one's kid. See? It gets complicated. Everything's resolved eventually, in a Hollywood-ending way, with the help of a dramatic coincidence - a literal bolt from the blue. Blake Lively does a nice job in the lead, and Ellen Burstyn, who plays Blake's elderly daughter - remember "Interstellar"? - appears to have cornered the market on children who age while their parents don't.