Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Final Cut: Ladies and Gentlemen (2012)
D: György Pálfi ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢
A true labor of love and probably the ultimate compilation movie, telling the story of a relationship through encounters and breakups, jealousy and lust, love and pain and grief and joy and everything in between. It's made up entirely of film clips, hundreds of them, each only a few seconds long, and remarkably the story works, both on its own terms and as a personalized narrative drawn from the moviegoing memory of each individual viewer. Getting to see it in a theater could be tricky. Pálfi secured no clearances for any of the music or images he used, and the movie can only be watched legally in the U.S. on a handful of nonprofit screens. Of course, it's available on YouTube.