Friday, March 21, 2014
Texas Terror (1935)
TEXAS TERROR (1935) ¢ ¢ 1/2
D: Robert N. Bradbury
John Wayne, Lucille Browne, Leroy Mason,
Fern Emmett, George Hayes, Buffalo Bill Jr.
Sheriff John Wayne hits the skids for a while, after apparently shooting his best friend in a gun battle. His outlook improves when the dead man's pretty young daughter turns up, but how can he tell her that he's the guy who killed her old man? This is marginally more complex than most of the formula westerns Wayne cranked out before "Stagecoach", and there's a darkness to his character that hints at the haunted men he'd play later on for Ford and Hawks. There's even a scene where he briefly talks in a falsetto. Try finding that in another John Wayne movie.