Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Red (2010)

RED  (2010)  
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    D: Robert Schwendtke
    Bruce Willis, Mary-Louise Parker, Helen Mirren,
    John Malkovich, Morgan Freeman, Karl Urban,
    Richard Dreyfuss, Rebecca Pidgeon, Ernest Borgnine,
    James Remar, Brian Cox, Greg Bryk
A funny, fast-paced action comedy about some retired spooks who team up and go back to work when somebody starts shooting at them. The plot's just a setup for the bullets and wisecracks, but those old folks sure are having a good time. Mary-Louise Parker's the audience surrogate, the only member of the gang who's not a professional assassin, and 93-year-old Ernest Borgnine turns up briefly as the CIA's most senior top-secret archivist.

Ernest Borgnine