Sunday, February 26, 2012

Carnage (2011)

CARNAGE  (2011)  ¢ ¢ ¢ 1/2
    D: Roman Polanski
    Jodie Foster, Kate Winslet,
    John C. Reilly, Christoph Waltz

Dr. Sporgersi,

I saw "Carnage" not long ago, the new Roman Polanski movie, and liked it more than I thought I would. Four people in one apartment (essentially one room) for 80 minutes, in something like real time, talking, drinking, and (in the case of Kate Winslet) spectacularly throwing up. It's quite vicious, and surprisingly, real funny. And Jodie Foster's amazing. By the end of the film, even the veins in her face have declared total war. Of course, just because I liked it doesn't mean anybody else will, but at least it's a movie for grownups. If it's still around somewhere and you're looking for an alternative to whatever dreck is playing at the multiplex, check it out.
