Friday, October 14, 2011

Gold (1972)

GOLD  (1972)  ¢ 1/2
    D: Bill Desloge, Bob Levis
    Del Close, Garry Goodrow, Caroline Parr,
    Sam Ridge, Orville Schell, Dorothy Schmidt
Hmmmm . . . okay . . . let's see . . . There's a gold rush. And a train. And a blonde in a tight white dress. And a corrupt politician. And a crooked cop. And a guy on crutches. And some people called the Mud People, rolling around naked in the mud. And a revolution. And none of it makes any sense, because everybody who worked on this (apparently) was higher than a kite. It's an hour and a half of narrative incoherence and improvised gibberish, next to unwatchable, except for the naked hippie chicks and some tunes by the MC5. Good luck getting through it all, if you're not high on something yourself. Filmed in 1968, but not released theatrically till years later. You can kind of see why.