Monday, July 11, 2011

Hell Ride (2008)

HELL RIDE  (2008)  ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢
    D: Larry Bishop
    Larry Bishop, Michael Madsen, Eric Balfour,
    Dennis Hopper, Leonor Varela, Vinnie Jones,
    David Carradine, Julia Jones, Michael Beach
A neo-spaghetti biker movie in which rival gangs of outlaws trade pithy one-liners as they tear around the desert gunning each other down. Madsen's especially entertaining, playing a trigger-happy lowlife called "The Gent". Others motoring in and out of the dust include "Pistolero" (Larry Bishop), "Comanche" (Eric Balfour), "Eddie Zero" (Dennis Hopper), "Billy Wings" (Vinnie Jones) and "Deuce" (David Carradine). Throats are slit. Bodies are burned. Hopper gets an arrow in the back. Carradine loses his head. Most of the women are topless. Some viewers will find it reprehensible. Others will be amused. Either way, it's a picture with a fuck-you spirit all its own and plenty of cult potential, if a cult audience ever catches up with it.