Sunday, October 18, 2009

Star Trek (2009)

STAR TREK  (2009)  ¢ ¢ ¢ 1/2
    D: J.J. Abrams
    Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Leonard Nimoy,
    Eric Bana, Bruce Greenwood, Karl Urban,
    Zoe Saldana, Simon Pegg, John Cho,
    Anton Yelchin, Ben Cross, Winona Ryder
The cherished sci-fi franchise reboots itself by going back to before it all began, with the birth of Captain Kirk. Skip ahead 20-odd years, and the cocky young Kirk (Chris Pine) is being recruited  away from bar fights and into Star Fleet Academy, while Spock (Zachary Quinto) struggles to find some psychological balance between a Vulcan's remorseless logic and the empathy he inherited from his human mother. There's a plot that involves time travel and multiple versions of history and multiple Spocks - the solemn young officer played by Quinto, and the grizzled old guy played by you-know-who. Younger incarnations of the other regulars turn up, too, their defining characteristics either evolving or already in place. Bones bitches and grumbles a lot, Sulu puts his fencing skills to good use, Uhura can decipher Romulan in three dialects (while blithely fending off the horndog Kirk), Chekov mangles his v's and w's, and Scotty, played by scene-stealer Simon Pegg, stands by in the engine room to give 'er all she's got. The action almost never lets up, and yet there's an emotional resonance to the characters and their relationships, especially between Spock and Uhura, that wasn't there before. The guys who wrote this got it right. By the end, the whole gang is in position on the bridge, ready to boldly go where no one has gone before. More voyages of the Starship Enterprise should be expected.