Thursday, April 25, 2024

Bikini (2014)

BIKINI  (2014)  ¢ ¢ ¢
    D: Óscar Bernàcier
    Sergio Caballero, Carlos Areces, Rosario Pardo
You'd think a movie called "Bikini" would have a bikini in it somewhere, but you don't see one. It's about the mayor of a resort town on the Spanish coast who calls on the country's strongman, Francisco Franco, seeking permission to allow bikinis on the local beach. Also in on the conversation, and threatening to gum up the works, is Franco's straight-laced, music-loving wife. Who knew that a little two-piece swimsuit could be the cause of so much concern? Or that the mere prospect of making money could be enough to bring bikinis to the beach?