Saturday, August 26, 2023

My Blueberry Nights (2007)

MY BLUEBERRY NIGHTS  (2007)  ¢ ¢ 1/2
    D: Wong Kar-Wai
    Norah Jones, Jude Law, Natalie Portman, 
    David Strathairn, Rachel Weisz, Chan Marshall
A woman named Elizabeth leaves New York in the aftermath of a breakup and travels around the country by bus, taking waitressing jobs and hoping to save up enough money to buy a car. She meets a few desperate characters and covers more than 5,000 miles before ending up back in New York. There are some good moments in this, thanks mostly to the cast, but Elizabeth, played by Norah Jones, is a mostly passive protagonist, and the movie's too episodic to ever completely draw you in. Cat Power has a couple of songs on the soundtrack and a cameo smoking a cigarette out on the sidewalk with Jude Law.