Friday, June 10, 2022

The Howl (1970)

THE HOWL  (1970)  ¢ ¢
    D: Tinto Brass
    Tina Aumont, Gigi Proletti, Nino Segurini,
    Germano Longo, Osiride Pevarello, Giorgio Gruden
A man gets a woman released from prison, or a mental institution, it's not clear which, and then they're getting married, and then the woman runs off with another guy, 
and they end up in a war and go to hell and run into a lot 
of naked hippies, this being a movie shot around 1969. 93 minutes of avant-garde anarchy from the auteur who would eventually make "Caligula". "It's a trap," the woman repeats over and over on her way to the altar. By the time 
the movie's over, you might feel that way, too.