Monday, August 23, 2021

Keyhole (2011)

KEYHOLE  (2011)  ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢
    D: Guy Maddin
    Jason Patric, Isabella Rossellini. Udo Keir,
    Kevin McDonald, Louis Negin, David Wontner,
    Brooke Paisson, Daniel Enright, Olivia Rameau
This Guy Maddin movie is about a bunch of gangsters who hole up in a haunted house. So there are gangsters and ghosts. And a lot of ticking clocks. And a bicycle-powered electric chair. And a Boy-Scout knife. And a bathtub. And a lot of guns. And a naked old man in chains. And a stuffed wolverine named Crispy. And whatever else happened to be rattling around in the attic of Guy Maddin's subconscious at the time. It's based on Homer, more or less. At least the main character's named Ulysses. There's a message in it, too. You can't go home again. Not without bumping into a few ghosts.