Saturday, February 27, 2021

Invasion of the Saucer Men (1957)

    D: Edward L. Cain
    Steven Terrell, Gloria Castillo, Frank Gorshin,
    Raymond Hatton, Lyn Osborn, Jason Johnson,
    Douglas Henderson, Sam Buffington, Russ Bender
Early on in this movie, a couple of teenagers get in a car and take off for Lover's Point, to do what you'd expect teenagers to do at a place called Lover's Point. The night gets more exciting than they anticipated when a UFO touches down in a nearby woods and little green men start running around. You don't get a real good look at the little green men. That's partly because they're in a forest, and partly because it's night and it's dark and the movie's in black and white. And, anyway, what grownup is going to believe a couple of teenagers who claim they just saw a monster out by Lover's Point? If they didn't believe Steve McQueen in "The Blob", they're sure not going to believe these kids here.