Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Deep Throat (1972)

DEEP THROAT  (1972)  
¢ 1/2
    D: Gerard Damiano
    Linda Lovelace, Harry Reems,
    Carol Conners, Dolly Sharp
The legendary porno flick, about a frustrated young woman who has a clitoris where her tonsils ought to be, launched a tidal wave of hardcore features in the 1970s and made Linda Lovelace a household name. It's a long way from great art (or even a good movie), but at least the picture tries to tell a story, and there's some humorous foreplay in the scenes between Linda and Harry Reems as Dr. Young, the conveniently horny physician who identifies and treats her affliction. In a memoir years later, Lovelace claimed she was drugged and coerced into making the film, a disturbing allegation that can't be substantiated by her performance.

Harry Reems